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Wall Sconces

Hundreds of sconce design choices are available in the lighting marketplace. When making your selection, compare the different lighting effects, look at the image each sconce conveys as an element in design, and see the variety of materials used in construction, making it possible to find a sconce for almost any budget.Energy Efficient Decorative Lighting
Decorative lighting is often viewed a waste of energy because many people believe it's only decorative and not functional. In fact, decorative lighting can be multifunctional by:Providing perimeter brightness (which increases one's perception of the amount of light within a space) Creating a focal point within a space (providing relaxation for fatigued eyes) Sometimes being the primary source of illumination
Decorative lighting helps to create a pleasant and visually interesting space which aids in maximizing human productivity or in motivating prospective buyers. When the benefits of decorative lighting are combined with an energy efficient technology such as compact fluorescent lamps, maximum results can be achieved with the least cost.Lighting Effects Possible with SconcesSconces frequently combine lighting effects to meet a variety of design requirements. For example:Up light reflects light from the ceiling and provides a soft light within the space Down light emphasizes vertical surfaces Back light places the sconces in silhouette and calls attention to its shape Front light makes the sconce luminous and provides a focal point within the space
Blending these lighting effects from a single sconce design yields an almost endless number of unique design possibilities, and can be applied to hospitality lighting, lighting for restaurants, conference rooms, and lobby spaces.Variety of Compact Fluorescent Sources in Application
By using different types of compact fluorescent lamps, different shapes and scales of sconces are possible. When selecting a sconce, notice how the resulting shape of sconces correlates with the shape of a lamp. The lamp type used will also dictate the wattages and light outputs available.

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